Team KEEN at the Virtual Olympics!

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Every day from the 25th - 29th January, a team of brilliant KEEN athletes came together on ZOOM to complete exciting virtual challenges. The challenges, different each day, were set by Mencap and Special Olympics Great Britain as part of their UK wide competition.

On Monday, we moved our bodies, doing star jumps, squats, arms curls and even shoulder presses! Tuesday saw us throwing socks into washing baskets, Wednesday hitting socks into the air with whatever we had in the house (books, frying pans…) and on Thursday, tins of baked beans became goals as we scored with our socks! We had so much getting creative and moving despite being stuck indoors.

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Lloyd, one of the athletes on Team KEEN, says:

“Hi my name is Lloyd. I am a Keen buddy for Keen Oxford. I had so much fun with the Olympics with keen with Catherine and Katie. I really enjoyed it, I really did! I would like to join the next one next year if I may and keep receiving awards. I would even love to receive the winners one next year! A big thank you to everyone you all did well I m really proud of you.”


KEEN Team came 6th out of 99 teams, with 27.11 points! Well done everyone!


Want to get active at home? Come along to our weekly inclusive Movement & Exercise sessions, Tuesday 5:30pm, or why not give Sunday morning yoga a go? Everyone welcome!